Kyocera TCL Solar G.K. has announced that they have started the operation of PV+storage power plant in Arao, Kumamoto prefecture on June 1, 2024. Tensor Energy is providing the operating system including battery charge and discharge schedule optimization.


With the increase in renewable energy installations in the Kyushu region, daytime generation often exceeds consumption, leading to frequent curtailment of power output. Conversely, during mornings, evenings, and nights when solar power generation declines, there is a shortfall in renewable energy, requiring adjustments like increasing output from thermal power plants.

In response, the FIP scheme started in 2022 aims to integrate renewable energy markets and secure investment incentives. Kyocera TCL Solar has installed a storage battery at its solar power plant in Arao City, Kumamoto, transitioning from the FIT to the FIP scheme to ensure supply-demand balance, maximize the use of renewable energy, and increase revenue from electricity sales.

Tensor Energy is responsible for developing and providing the operational platform for the solar power plant with an integrated storage battery, using machine learning to forecast solar output and market prices in real time, optimizing battery charging/discharging schedules, and generating necessary files for market bidding and submissions to power management agencies.

Project structure

Project details

Location: Arao, Kumamoto prefecture

PV system size: 1,990kW AC

Battery power output: 1,525kW

Battery capacity: 3,051kWh

Subsidy scheme: Feed-in-premium
